When:  Tuesday, June 11th, 2019 at 10:00am

Where: Piano & Organ Center

               102 Lawrence Road E, North Syracuse, NY 13212

RSVP:  Register Below or call (315) 454-3823

Have you ever asked yourself:

• How can I motivate my students?
• How can I offer my students a fun, innovative environment in which to learn music?
• How can I make piano lessons more challenging, but at the same time continue to work on basic skills in a fun way?
• How can I keep my students’ lessons varied, and add exciting new challenges?
• How can I do all this, and increase my studio income at the same time?

Attend a fun and informative teachers workshop given by Lori Frazer from Yamaha. Lori has worked with music teachers from all over the country, showing them fun, new ways of making your teaching more exciting using existing, proven teaching methods and technology. In addition, Lori will introduce you to the latest teaching tools using this technology, and show you where the best resources are available.

Federation teachers, there will be some special information for you at this workshop!

We invite you to attend this special workshop, and find out how use of a Yamaha Clavinova, the latest apps, and how much fun teaching with technology can be. Plan to attend, and find out what many teachers have been finding out — how to expand their teaching studio with the use of technology! Bring your questions, and be prepared to learn.

Refreshments will be provided. The event is free, but RSVP today to ensure your spot:

    Last Name (required)

    Your Zip code (required)

    Your phone number